Four new blogs added to NB Hub

Four new blogs added to the Hub over the weekend:

Alyson and Will's Adventure
I Carried You
Village of Chipman
Windy Hill Farm

Did some editing to the blog over the weekend. There were a few websites showing up without blogging code, so after checking those, they were deleted. What happens is that the blogger software will check each site for a “feed code”; if it can’t find such a code, then it assigns the site as a static website with no updates. As that is not the purpose of this Hub, I deleted those sites, so the total number of blogs sits at 202. Next weekend, I’ll start removing those which have not been updated for at least a year.

As always, if you have a New Brunswick blog that you think should be added to the Hub, please send me the information via my e-mail.
Thanks & enjoy your week.
